The Lopi Leyden is a cast iron stove with pleasing detail incorporated into the casting and curved cast iron legs. Rated to heat an area of 2,250 square feet, this elegant woodburner style stove will produce 45,100 btu.
Lopi use the cast iron front and sides of this stove, as well as the twelve tube heat exchanger and a quiet 165 cfm. blower to efficiently transfer heat to the home.The hopper size of fifty pounds allows a burn time of twenty nine hours between refills.
This pellet stove and fireplace insert is approved to burn a fifty percent corn/pellet mix. See comments below.
Extremely efficient, at 85%, the Leyden has an emission rate of 0.9 grams per hour.
The control board has a maintenance required diagnostic system which helps to analyse a problem if one arises.
A wall mounted thermostat comes as standard equipment, a remote control is an optional accessory
The large ash pan slides out on ballbearings and has a built in handle for easy carrying.
If you are unsure of the meanings of the terms in the pellet stove review below,or their implications, please go to the Pellet Stove Reviews page for an explanation.
Max. Heat Output 45,100 btu.
Automatic Ignition Yes
Manual Ignition If needed
Hopper Capacity 50 lbs.
Burn time 29 hrs.
Fuel Type Standard or premium grade wood pellets or a 50% pellet/corn mix
Glass Air Wash Yes
Built in Blower Yes
Convection Blower Capacity 165 cfm.
Thermostat Compatible Yes, supplied as standard
E.P.A. Approved Yes
Emissions 0.9 gr./hr.
Efficiency 85%
Height 27 in.
Width 27.75 in
Depth 25 in.
Weight 390 lbs.
Window Size 16.5 in. by 10.5 in.
Flue Vent Size 4 in.
Top Vent No
Rear Vent Yes
Rear Vent Height 17.25 in.
Battery Backup No See Stove Sentry Surge Protector Recommended
Colours Black or Oxford brown enamel
Exhaust Temperature Sensor No
Low Draft Shutdown Yes
Construction Type Cast iron
Automatic Shutdown and Re-ignition Yes, but not with 50% corn. See comments below
Two years:
Firebox Assembly, Door Assembly, Auger Assembly, Ceramic Glass, Glass (breakage from thermal shock), Igniter System, Electrical System, Accessories
Five years:
Firebox Assembly, Door Assembly, Auger Assembly
Seven years: Parts only
Firebox Assembly, Door Assembly
Black paint finish
Oxford Brown enamel finish
Log set
Remote control
Ashes must be brushed from the firebox to the ash pan.
The combustion air input must be adjusted manually to match the heat setting of the stove.
If using a 50% mix of corn and wood pellets, the automatic ignition system may not work. This can be remedied by increasing the proportion of pellets in the mix.
The Lopi Leyden has a 'maintenance required' diagnostic system on the control board.
Check and clean the firepot
Clean the heat exchanger tubes, vacuum the hopper, remove fly ash from the upper baffles.
Sweep ash into ash pan and check if ash pan needs emptying. Clean the glass.
Remove the firebox back, clean the back of the stove and the vertical and horizontal exhaust ducts.
Clean the exhaust blower, convection blower and the venting system.
Check for air leaks around the door, glass and ashpan. Check the door alignment
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