The Pelpro Home Heater and Shop heaters come in two sizes and are named by hopper capacity. The '120' holds 120 pounds of pellets, and the '300' holds 300 pounds of pellets. They come into the 'home furnace' category of stoves and are large, square, functional units.
The difference between the Home Heaters and the Shop Heaters is solely the window size. In all other respects, these stoves are the same. The Pelpro Home Heater has a viewing window, and the Shop Heater has a tiny window just large enough to check the fire is burning.These stoves have a maximum heat output of 50,000 btu. and are able to heat an area of two thousand square feet. Because of their large hopper capacities, they can burn a long time between refills.
This stove comes thermostat ready and can either be run in high/low or on/off modes. See comments below.
There is a shute provided to help in emptying and cleaning out the hopper, which can also be used as a general dust pan.
If you are unsure of the meanings of the terms in the pellet stove review below,or their implications, please go to the Pellet Stove Reviews page for an explanation.
Max. Heat Output 50,000 btu.
Min. Heat Output 15,000 btu. zero with optional thermostat. See comments below.
Automatic Ignition Yes
Manual Ignition If needed
Hopper Capacity 120 lbs. or 300 lbs.
Burn time 60 hrs. or 150 hrs. Depending on hopper size
Fuel Type Wood pellets
Glass Air Wash Yes
Built in Blower Yes
Convection Blower Capacity 265 cfm.
Thermostat Compatible Yes
E.P.A. Approved Yes
Emissions 0.9 gr./hr.
Efficiency 78%
Dimensions 120
Height 31.5 in.
Width 26 in.
Depth 24 in
Dimensions 300
Height 46.5 in.
Width 26 in.
Depth 24 in.
Weight '120', 225 lbs. '300', 272 lbs.
Window Size Home Heater, 11 in. by 7.5 in. Shop Heater, 3.5 in. by 2.25 in.
Flue Vent Size 3 in.
Top Vent No
Rear Vent Yes
Rear Vent Height '120', 8.75 in. '300', 9.25 in.
Battery Backup No See Stove Sentry Surge Protector Recommended
Colours Black
Exhaust Temperature Sensor Yes
Low Draft Shutdown Yes
Construction Type Fabricated steel
Automatic Shutdown and Re-ignition Yes, with optional thermostat
One Year
Electrical Components for 1 years from date of sale with valid invoice
Five Years
Stove body for five years against defects in workmanship
Brass trimmed door, (Home Heater only)
The air damper must be adjusted manually to suit the burn rate.
If using an optional thermostat in on/off mode, there are concerns that the life of the igniter may be shortened through increased use.
Every two or three days
Clean the burn grate and burn pot, clean the heat exchanger tubes, empty the ash pan,
Every one or two tons of fuel
Check the door gasket, clean the air intake, combustion and convection fans, check the hopper for a build up of fines, clean out the stove ash traps.
Inspect and clean the flue vent, vacuum the hopper.
If you would like to leave a review of the Pelpro Home Heater or Shop Heater, please use the form on the contact page