Lopi pellet stoves are made by Travis Industries who also produce the range of Avalon pellet stoves. Travis have been trading since 1979. Lopi is the Travis industries' 'house brand' and the first Lopi wood pellet stove, (the Pioneer), was built in the mid nineteen eighties. The first Avalon stoves were built in 1990. Today's Pioneer pellet stove bears little resemblance to the original.
Travis operate from "The House Of Fire", which is a covered facility of over eleven acres leased from the Boeing Company. It's located thirty miles north of Seattle in Mukilteo WA.
Once employed to deliver stoves for another manufacturer, Kurt Rumens, (president and general manager), was prompted to improve the stove design by the dealers he delivered to. On being told that he didn't know what he was doing by his employer, he started building stoves.
Travis Industries are now the largest privately held manufacturer of fireplace and hearth product appliances in North America with two hundred and seventy five employees and a turnover of over twenty eight million dollars.
To this day, one of Kurt Rumens' priorities is to listen to what others have to say. He has the original rejected sketch of his design on his office wall.
The aim of Travis Industries is that Lopi and Avalon stoves be the most reliable on the market.
Lopi and Avalon stoves have a heavy duty stainless steel burn pot, and a heavy gauge steel construction. The brick effect firebacks are made of cast iron.
There are only minor variations between the equivalent stoves in the Lopi and Avalon ranges. The one major difference is in the hopper sizes of the Yankee and the Astoria.
The Yankee
A more powerful bay window stove that will heat 2,250 square feet. Producing 45,100 btu. and with an eighty lb. hopper, it is capable of burning for forty seven hours between refills. This stove will burn a 50/50 mix of corn and wood pellets.
The Leyden
A cast iron stove with pleasing detail incorporated into the casting and curved cast iron legs. Rated to heat an area of 2,250 square feet, this elegant traditional woodburner style stove will produce 45,100 btu. Approved to burn a 50/50 mix of corn and wood pellets.
The Arbor
An ornate cast iron stove with intricate cherry blossom decoration cast into its sides. Rated to heat an area of 2,250 square feet, this elegant 'olde worlde' style stove will produce 45,100 btu.